My Solo Gig at Fitzgeralds in Huntington Beach

On my way to my "solo with full band sound" gig at Fitzgerald's in Huntington Beachmiracle mobile wouldn't start and when I called my Jaguar angel mechanic and described the clicking noise he said it needs a new starter or alternator and that it should start with a jump. So one of my angel neighbors interrupted his barbecue preparation to drive his car and push my car in position and rescued me from having to wait 45 min for my auto club road service. Thank God I always plan on arriving extra early so I still made it in plenty of time to set up in time to start at 8.

I never have high expectations for mid week gigs so for a Wednesday I couldn't believe how crowded it was with everyone having FUN and playing pool and they were so expressive with their appreciation and generous tip$. There was even an enthusiastic new friend that passed around my tip urn after I played his wife's most favorite sentimental song 

As a performer and lover of people watching I really enJOYed the 21-70s age diversity interaction, the large sturdy stage with lights and comfortable dance floor placement attracting dancers including solo such as one of my single girlfriends who attended and also ordered food and said it was great

and so was the next performer Jim Souza solo singer acoustic guitar cover songs

FRIENDLY servers Chris and Molly were awesome too !!!

I'm looking forward to next time especially since at this venue I can play all of my favorite loudest rock songs that I have had to skip at my last few lower volume gigs 


THANK YOU Other World Productions venue booking angel Jackie Davis

On my way home after midnight while envisioning the fantastic organic tostada pizza I was going to make for dinner I remembered I forgot to stop by Trader Joe's for wine which without would have ruined the anticipated culinary experience LoL but surprisingly I noticed a Von's with lights still on and discovered they were still open ...til 1am...every day...YAY

So my 2am dinner was a delicious success after all !!!

BTW with no more miracle mobile starting issues requiring jumper cables

which would have been opposite spectrum of  fun at that time of the night LoL


God Wink Words Today >j<  Inheritance + Thank You


BlesSINGs Today >j< Loud Singing Birds + Squirrels x3 + fresh squeezed organic orange juice from Jennifer Webster's garden + organic ingredients for yogurt green beet smoothie and Hawaiian coffee from Grocery Outlet Costa Mesa + angel neighbor miracle mobile battery jump assistance + fun gig at Fitzgeralds including DIVINE CONNECTION prayer for new friend's distant relationship with daughter not allowing visits with grandchildren 




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