ºoº My ultimate example of EXTREME client loyalty at my own expen$e & inconvenience

ºoº  I was invited to be part of the opening team for Hyperion Theatre productions at Disney's Calfornia adventure which required several weeks of intense training that they paid for...
Unfortunately just when the training was complete my miracle mobile was stolen which would have been a legitimate excuse to discontinue my participation in the project
However I didn't want their investment of paid training to be their loss
so at my own expense and inconvenience I kept my commitment by getting there on the bus
aka 5 hrs per day travel time 2.5 hrs each way for over a year until my next miracle mobile arrived LoL
You can see an image of that "next miracle mobile with leopard spots" in my Harvest Crusade journal LoL
Image result for aladdin musical california adventure opening team

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