Glen Megill ROCK of Africa Aaron Cohen Slave Hunter Larry Norman PamEla Newman

I've known Christian media pastor Glen Megill founder of since I attended church from 1999-2009 and he hosted the global Christian media lifegroup at his home in Huntington Beach and introduced us to Many significant global ministry leaders and affiliates including PamEla Norman Newman ex wife of Christian Rock pioneer Larry Norman


and Aaron Cohen advocate and rescuer of sex slave traffic victims aka author of Slave Hunter and Jubilee Prophecy: Peace Through Music you can google. As a result I became one of Aaron's intercessor prayer partners and utilized my multimedia affiliations and resources to introduce him to several high profile Christian TV producers related to TBN and their youth channel JuceTv previously JCTV (I assisted with the casting before it launched and my #3 son was in the 2003 commercial)
He was welcomed by several program directors who invited him to be on their programs resulting in successful opportunities for awareness of what ALL of those ministries and their audiences were previously unaware of and had never heard of before during that time 2002-2009 in addition to also being invited to Bible prophecy summits with Rod Parsley who nicknamed him "The modern day John The Baptist" and other recognizable experts Dr. Grant Jeffrey Hal Lindsey Jack Van Impe Donald Perkins and more
I also introduced him to Global Angels which sponsored rescue trips where he was able to find several kidnapped victims and place them in life transformation facilities
And I also arranged for a group of tourists who select specific locations for recreational travel and at the same time like to give significant donations to the local community donate several thousands of dollars to one of the transformation facilities to purchase cameras for the purpose of developing a tourist photography business as a source of income vs temptation to return back to desperation of earning money in the sex industry but my contact notified me that instead they used the money for skin lightening cream &;-(
Oh well at least I tried LoL

Aaron and I came up with the name for what he also considered as entertainment ministry
aka Peace Through The Arts inspired by his book Peace Through Music He was manager for the popular Rock band Janes Addiction ironic since that guitarist is my favorite ! LoL


Only sharing all of those details to confirm credibility of my MULTIFACETED entertainment ministry
and you can only imagine how much more I will remember whenever God finally provides circumstances required to efficiently process digest organize and journal past present and future experiences and kingdom assignments
Considering so much potential... no wonder the enemy continues his 24/7 non stop attacks ...including finances since he knows every penny will be spent to invest in his defeat !!!

ROCK of Africa | Delivering HOPE to Africa
A Christian relief effort helping people in a crisis of disease, famine and poverty in sub-Sarahan Africa.


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